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Making the Most of a College Fair


Attending a college fair is a great way to learn about many colleges and universities. College admissions representatives, as well as college alums, participate in fairs in an effort to share information with students and their families. Each year, fairs are held nationwide in schools, convention centers, and other community spaces. Each college has a table or booth where students can visit with the college representative to ask questions and learn more about the school.


Before the Fair

  • Confirm the time and location of the fair.

  • Request a list of the participating colleges so you can plan for your time at the fair.

  • Identify schools you are interested in learning more about, but also plan to allow time to explore colleges that are new to you.

  • Bring a pen to fill out information cards and a bag to collect college materials.

During the Fair

  • Dress appropriately - you’re there to impress the college admissions representatives. Wear comfortable shoes. Silence your phone. Get rid of the gum. Bring water.

  • Introduce yourself (including your grade and where you attend school) to each college admissions representative you meet.

  • Ask good questions. The following are some examples.

    • Can you tell me about popular academic programs at your school?

    • What do students say they like the most about your school?

    • Where do students spend their time outside of classes?

    • Can you tell me about housing on and off campus?

    • Please tell me about the career services department on campus.

    • What kind of internship opportunities are available to students?

    • Can you tell me about your school’s financial aid program?

    • How would you describe the academic workload?

    • How do students describe the professors?

    • What is the college town or city like?

    • Do you have learning communities or a freshman experience?

    • What are the popular clubs and organizations on campus?

  • Ask the admissions representative for their business card.

After the Fair

  • Make three piles of your materials: (1) Colleges of interest to you, (2) Colleges to learn more about, (3) Recycling.

  • Email the admissions representatives who were particularly helpful to you. Thank them for taking the time to attend the fair and for helping you learn more about their school.


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